

good luck for your exam的相關標籤

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Siapa ambik SPM, good luck! 😘❤️ Siapa tak ambik SPM jom kita doakan yang terbaik untuk adik2 kita yg ada exam! ❤️🌹 . Dulu Mel buat SPM I stress sgt. But bila fikir balik, kalo I boleh nasihatkan baby Mel, I akan cakap, "Get enough sleep!!!" Sbb kalo tak cukup tido, otak you susah nak function gak. . All the best if you're taking your SPM exam! ❤️ I'm praying for you! If I could tell myself anything about the exams, it would be "Get enough sleep!!!". No point burning midnight oil and then being sleepy af in the exam hall.

Siapa ambik SPM, good luck! 😘❤️ Siapa tak ambik SP...